Thursday, September 13, 2012

Symbaloo technology in the class room

Symbaloo is a great new technology that teachers can use in their classroom to display students research. Symbaloo is where students can create a new ways to display their research to their teacher also to the world. When on symbaloo you can search any known subject, and the search will bring up hundreds of webmixs out there that teachers and students have made to the searched subject. Symbaloo lets students and teachers display their research in their own creative way, letting them choose a back round picture and organizing the tiles in any way they want to. Symbaloo lets teachers and student give links to blogs,tweets, videos, and web cites that relate to the topic their web mix is on. Symbaloo takes a whole new step to technology in the class room, giving interest to students and teachers in the class room. Technology making an up-rise in the new aged class room and Symbaloo is one way that teachers can take a boring research project and make it new and exciting for their students.

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