Friday, September 28, 2012

Kidspiration in the classroom

In my Technology in the class room class we got to use this new to me but old to some software called kidspiration. It is an awesome new technology, it allows you to make flow charts to show anything. I did my assignment on the layers of the earth, it allows you to change color, fonts, and shapes of the information, it allows you to put arrows so students can follow the information. It also allows you to put clip art in to your flow chart to give it a piece of creative effect. Teachers could use this in any subject to show food webs for science, author background for English, Historical events that connect for History. This software could be used in any subject for any teacher, students could also use it as an alternative to powerpoint. If you notice in a class room when a teacher gives a student a project and they have to present their research, students go to what they know best, powerpoint. I think that in a class room so many students give a powerpoint that other students and the teacher looses interest after the third one. But with this new kidspiration students can take away form the boring old powerpoint and give the class room a new look into other technologies and will keep the teacher and students interest when presenting their information.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Twitter the play by play social media

Twitter is a new social media letting people fallow their friends to national celebrity's. Twitter is known for the hash-tag (#) and the high numbers of tweets that people do. Twitter can be the new highlight to see what every one is up to, but it can be an annoying feature to have when you have that one person that you fallow that tweets every minute of thier life's. "Going to the Gym #rockitout" or "Walmart parking lot was crazy #learnhowtodrive" are some of the every day tweets that people see. Twitter is so much more than just a let all know what going on in your life, many organizations are on twitter. twitter has many reasearch ability's that not many people know about. One organizations that use twitter in an informational way is the Autism foundation, their twitter allows people know when events are coming up also gives reading material for those researching and wanting to know about autism. Twitter can be both a research tool and a social media, but most people in the world use it as their own personal journals telling the world the play by play of their life's.

Glogster the new Power Point

Glogster is a new online technology that is a known web presentation tool among teachers and students. Teachers and students are getting tired of the same old power point presentations. Glogster is taking a whole new stand on presenting information in the class room. Glogster allows students or teachers to present their information on a single webpage looking like a poster, adding graphics, text, videos, and even web links. Glogsters allow students and teachers to present their information in a creative way, letting students or teachers pick a back round and create their Glogster in their own stylish way. Glogster is a new creative technology that lets students get interested about the research and also lets them have a feeling of creative ownership. Glogster can be used privately between student or teacher or the student can publish it publicly, allowing other students or teachers to search the subject that their Glogster is on.

Symbaloo technology in the class room

Symbaloo is a great new technology that teachers can use in their classroom to display students research. Symbaloo is where students can create a new ways to display their research to their teacher also to the world. When on symbaloo you can search any known subject, and the search will bring up hundreds of webmixs out there that teachers and students have made to the searched subject. Symbaloo lets students and teachers display their research in their own creative way, letting them choose a back round picture and organizing the tiles in any way they want to. Symbaloo lets teachers and student give links to blogs,tweets, videos, and web cites that relate to the topic their web mix is on. Symbaloo takes a whole new step to technology in the class room, giving interest to students and teachers in the class room. Technology making an up-rise in the new aged class room and Symbaloo is one way that teachers can take a boring research project and make it new and exciting for their students.